CMarZ Barcoding Association
About the Association
CMarZ and several other CoML field projects are actively engaged in DNA barcoding. Currently, there are active CMarZ barcoding centers in the USA, Japan, Germany, China, and India. A number of CoML laboratories are actively barcoding marine animals, including those represented in the holozooplankton. New marine barcoding activities have been initiated with funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation through the recent project, DNA Barcoding of Marine Biodiversity (MarBOL, see
CMarZ Barcoding Association goals:
- facilitate communication and accelerate progress toward our goal of a taxonomically-comprehensive database of DNA barcodes for marine holozooplankton throughout the world oceans.
- ensure that barcodes are available for species of all key marine holozooplankton groups
by 2010
- especially groups of highest scientific or societal importance
- good worldwide coverage
- coordinate among CoML field projects that are barcoding holozooplankton
- increase taxonomic coverage
- increase spatial coverage
- reduce duplication of effort
- seek to identify and remove bottlenecks and thereby to accelerate progress
- lay the groundwork for the next steps in barcoding
- microarrays
- metagenetics
About this site
This website will serve as a clearinghouse (an informal channel for distributing information) for CMarZ specimen tracking, notices, protocols and tips on barcoding zooplankton, help on laboratory setup and a communication center for members.
2008, Oct. - CMarZ Synthesis meeting, Woods Hole, MA (notes on the establishment of this Association, temporarily here during staging of this website, for founders' reference)
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