CMarZ Barcoding Challenge

Got specimens?

CMarZ encourages and challenges the CoMLcommunity to provide identified specimens of holozooplankton groups for barcoding. A DNA barcode (700 base-pair region of mtCOIwith replicates / metadata) will be determined for appropriately preserved (i.e., frozen or in alcohol) and identified holozooplanktonspecimens. Contact Ann Bucklin (

Got data?

DNA barcodes for zooplankton should be submitted to:

1. BARCODE section of GenBank(

2. Barcode of Life Database (BOLD; see

The Goal:

Our ultimate goal for the CoML barcoding initiative will be to establish a public archive of DNA barcodes linked to voucher specimens (and/or voucher DNA) for the species of marine life that are identified or newly described, counted, and analyzed as part of the global CoML effort.

DNA barcoding will enable accurate identification of most marine species, including invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Importantly, a DNA barcoding approach can be applied to intact specimens, tissue fragments, or bulk samples. DNA barcoding will be a useful addition to established methods for species identification in each group. An illustrated brochure on the goals, rationale, and results of DNA barcoding is available. Additional information is available at, and

UCONN address for specimen shipment:

Ann Bucklin
Department of Marine Sciences
University of Connecticut -Avery Point
1080 Shennecossett Road,
Groton, CT 06340 USA