Capacity Building and Training
CMarZ taxonomic workshops address the need for taxonomic expertise for the 15 phyla of animals occurring in the plankton. CMarZ prepares graduate students, providing training in species identifications, including molecular systematic approaches to understanding species diversity.
Periodic workshops will be held to help organize the CMarZ contribution to the TARA Expedition, including engaging the network of taxonomic experts established by CMarZ. (January - March, 2010) [CMarZ contact: Russ Hopcroft and Ann Bucklin]
Nair, V., (2010), A meeting on Census of Marine Life - 2010 attended by Steering committee members of Indian Ocean Census of Marine Life and Dr. Ian Poiner, Patricia Miloslavich, CoML Caribbean Chair, on 1st December, 2010 at National Institute of Oceanography and Centre For Marine Living Resources & Ecology, Cochin, India.
Molecular analysis of marine Zooplankton including DNA purification and vouchering, PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. University of Connecticut, USA. (4-29 May 2009) [CMarZ contact: Ann Bucklin]
MarBOL DNA Barcoding Hands-on Workshop: Five graduate students from Argentina, India, Norway, and USA spent 2 weeks to 2 months at UConn learning molecular protocols, data analysis, and trouble-shooting approaches for DNA barcoding of diverse zooplankton groups. (May- June 2009) [CMarZ contact: Ann Bucklin]
C-MORE UHawaii summer scholar working on long-PCR to complete mitochondrial genomes. (Jan-June 2009) [CMarZ contact: Erica Goetze]
Polyphasic Taxonomic Approach for Identification of Coastal Health Indicator Bacteria Workshop was held at the National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre, Kochi. Funding was met by the Ministry of Earth Sciences. (March 18 - 20, 2009) [CMarZ contact: Vijayalakshmi Nair]
Training course on Methods of Zooplankton Ecology and Identification. Vietnam. (October 2009) [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Training of individual high school students in zooplankton: January 2008, June 2008, December 2008, April 2009, July 2009. [CMarZ contact: Astrid Cornils and Sigrid Schiel]
Calanoid identification course at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Wellington, New Zealand. (June 16-20, 2008) [CMarZ contact: Janet Bradford-Grieve]
Plankton bloom dynamics: An integrative approach using molecular and genomic tools. Ann Bucklin was an instructor for this graduate class held at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Bremerhaven, Germany) during . Sponsored by European Union Marine Genomics Network of Excellence, in partnership with CMarZ. (June 9-19, 2008) [CMarZ contact: A. Bucklin]
Zooplankton: sampling and identification techniques. Tropical Marine Ecology Special Training Course (MEST). Makassar, Indonesia. (September 2008) [CMarZ contact: A. Cornils]
A new course was designed on Taxonomy of Copepods. This course is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in marine biology of University of Concepción. Six students have so far registered for this course in this semester. CMarZ is one of the major issues to be addressed during the course. (August 2008) [CMarZ contact: Rubèn Escribano]
Training course on the sex and stage determination on E. superba led by Volker Siegel. Bergen, Norway. (August 2008) [CMarZ contact: Webjørn Melle]
International barcoding workshop on "Barcoding of Marine Life" was conducted in Goa, India; organized by IO-CoML. (December 1, 2008) [CMarZ contact: Vijayalakshmi Nair]
Advanced Training Course on Zooplankton Ecology and Identification. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (14-24 October 2008) [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Plankton Ecology and Diversity. Tropical Marine Ecology Special Training Course (MEST). Makassar, Indonesia. (September 2008) [CMarZ contact: Sigrid Schiel]
Training Course in Species Identification of Zooplankton:. A taxonomic training course was held at the National Marine Information and Research Centre in Swakopmund, Namibia. This one-week training course, which was funded by the University of Namibia, was organized by Mr Ignatius Kauvee (MSc student at the U. Namibia) and presented by Ms Fabienne Cazassus (PhD student at the University of Cape Town). It attracted >10 under/post-graduate students from the University of Namibia, who were trained in the use of microscopes and the identification of zooplankton, with particular emphasis on the copepods. (August 2008) [CMarZ contact: Hans Verheye]
Training of individual high school students in zooplankton: January 2008, June 2008, December 2008, April 2009, July 2009. [CMarZ contact: Astrid Cornils and Sigrid Schiel]
Workshop/Training Course on Zooplankton Biodiversity in Southeast Asia: (Oct. 2008) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. (Convener: S. Nishida, in preparation) [contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Let's study the Ocean: (Aug. 3-8, 2008) An outreach activity for high-school students using a research vessel, including on-board practices in Suruga Bay and lectures/sample examination/analysis in the land laboratory), Co-sponsered by The Japan Science Society, Tokai University, The Oceanographic Society of Japan, and CMarZ. Lecturers: R.J. Machida, N. Iwasaki, S. Sawamoto. [contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Training of individual high school students in zooplankton: January 2008, June 2008, December 2008, April 2009, July 2009. [CMarZ contact: Astrid Cornils and Sigrid Schiel]
Automatic recognition of zooplankton using digitalized images and ZooImage software: (November 15-30, 2007) An international course on carried out at the Marine Biology Station-Dichato. Lectures and practical work provided by Dr. Phil Culverhouse from Plymouth University, UK. The course was sponsored by the Austral Summer Institute VIII, University of Concepcion and COPAS Center, and allowed graduate students and young researchers from Latin America countries to become trained with modern techniques and new developments for automatic identification of zooplankton. Chile. [CMarZ contact: Rubèn Escribano]
Ship board experience and marine career awareness.: (2007) This expedition only lends itself to one port activity with learners and educators, in terms of timing during the year and length of time in the port. Schools will be invited to board the vessel and interact with crew and available scientist in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. S. Africa [CMarZ contact: Hans Verheye]
African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP) Training and Research Expedition: (2007) S. Africa [CMarZ contact: Hans Verheye]
Public education: (28 June, 2007) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The zooplankton relevant resource and achievements were open to the public. [contact: Sun Song]
A popular science exhibition hall: (2007) including contents of zooplankton, was established in IOCAS, which is open to students of various levels regularly. [contact: Sun Song]
LIPI-JSPS Workshop on Zooplankton Biodiversity in Southeast Asia: (Nov. 1-3, 2007) Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Training Course on Zooplankton Ecology and Identification, Indonesia. Field sampling during the training course, covering different habitat types (coral reef, mangrove, sandy shore, estuary). [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
JSPS-CMarZ Asia Workshop on Zooplankton Biodiversity: University Putra Malaysia. (Nov. 2007) The course included a census of jellyfishes and jellyfish fisheries in Viet Nam, coral reef food-web dynamics in the area and production of an identification manual of Asian zooplankton. Funding from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong, Indonesia. [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Let's study the Ocean: (July 31-Aug. 5, 2007) An outreach activity for high-school students using a research vessel, including on-board practices in Suruga Bay and lectures/sample examination/analysis in the land laboratory. Co-sponsored by The Japan Science Society, Tokai University, The Oceanographic Society of Japan, and CMarZ. Lecturers: R.J. Machida, N. Iwasaki, S. Sawamoto, T. Kikuchi Japan. [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Sorting zooplankton from Shirasu-assemblage: (July 21, 2007) Open House of the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, arranged by Plankton Laboratory, a practice for civic education (mainly for school children). The subject of the exercise was zooplankton analysis from Shirasu (half-dried anchovy larvae). Awarded the Best Attraction Prize from the Director. Tokyo, Japan. [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida, Ryuji Machida]
Hopeful future! Activities of female ocean scientists: (Nov. 24-25, 2007) An open house of the R/V Hakuho-Maru demonstrating plankton sampling and microscopic observation with 60 students and teachers.Supported by "Special Coordination Funds for Encouragement Project for High School Girls to Ocean Science (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)". (organized by Ocean Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan) [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
"Training Course on Methods of Zooplankton Ecology and Identification" held at the Marine Science Research Centre, Universiti Putra Malaysia in Port Dickson, Malaysia during
November 20-25, 2006. The course aimed at providing graduate students and research scientists in Southeast Asian countries with comprehensive knowledge on the biology, ecology, and taxonomy of marine zooplankton and methods dealing with these subjects, with emphasis on the practical aspects of sample analysis and species identification. Organized by Fatimah Md. Yusoff (UPM), Shuhei Nishida (Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo: ORI), Makoto Terazaki (ORI), and Keiichi Matsuura (National Science Museum, Tokyo) and sponsored by UPM, Vice Chancellors’ Committee of National Universities of Malaysia (VCC), and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS: Multilateral Project-Coastal Marine Science). [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Biogeographic Information System for Indian Ocean workshop under the auspices of IndOBIS was held at
National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre, Kochi - 682018 from September 25 - 26, 2006.
IndOBIS, The Indian Ocean Biogeographic Information System (IndOBIS) is one of the seven regional nodes established by the OBIS(Information component of CoML). IndOBIS is responsible for the collection, collation and dissemination of data and information about the biodiversity in the Indian Ocean region through its portal. As a member of
the Steering Group for CMarZ,
Vijayalakshmi R. Nair was invited to make a presentation. On 25th September
she presented the objective, responsibilities and achievements of CMarZ to the participants of the workshop. [CMarZ contact: Vijayalakshmi Nair]

Presentation by Vijayalakshmi |

IndOBIS workshop
participants |
6th Workshop of the Hydrozoan Society,
Plymouth, England (18-30 June 2007) [CMarZ contact: Francesc Pagès]
Training Course in Species
Identification of Zooplankton:
A course is planned for late 2006 - early 2007 to take place at the University of Namibia, Windhoek, southern Africa.
The goal is to address the
immediate and critical needs for zooplankton taxonomy experts in the region
of Angola, Namibia, and South Africa.
[CMarZ contact: Hans Verheye]
Training Course on Zooplankton Ecology and Identification, Haiphong City, Vietnam
(~Nov. 2006) [CMarZ contact:
Shuhei Nishida]
Zooplankton Taxonomic Workshop, Plymouth, UK (20 - 23 June,
2006). The ICES Crustacean Zooplankton Taxonomic workshop will be hosted Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS) under the auspices of MARBEF. The aims of the workshop are to improve and calibrate the present taxonomic knowledge among scientists working on zooplankton in the North Atlantic and European shelf seas.
The four day program will include both theory and practical sessions on Crustacean zooplankton such as Decapoda and Copepoda, and will introduce delegates to new methods of identification such as
confocal microscopy and genetic analysis.
[CMarZ contact: Chris Reid]
DNA Barcoding Workshop for CoML, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
(15 - 17 May,
2006). The primary objective of the workshop was to coordinate
DNA barcoding efforts that are already ongoing as part of CoML
projects. The ultimate goal of a CoML barcoding initiative will be to establish a public
archive of DNA barcodes linked to voucher specimens (or voucher DNA)
for the species of marine life that are being identified or newly
described, counted, and analyzed as part of the global CoML effort. [CMarZ contact:
Annelies Pierrot-Bults]
at Sea on Zooplankton and DNA sequencing (10 - 30 April, 2006).
Aboard the NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown in the Sargasso Sea. Lectures,
demonstrations, and one-on-one training focused on morphological and
molecular taxonomic analysis. Seminars
were held on a variety
of topics including the taxonomy of tintinnids, ostracods, the copepod genus Clausocalanus, deep-sea shrimps, larvaceans, and pelagic fish, and
methods for DNA sequencing and using silhouette photography to count and
measure zooplankton catches. [CMarZ contact: Peter Wiebe]
Orientation course in zooplankton group level identification (April 2006) and a training in copepod identification for Ph.D students Workshops
in Kochi, India: At the Regional Centre of National Institute of
Oceanography, Kochi. Facilities were provided by the NIO. (April
- May 2006) [CMarZ contact:
Vijaya Nair]
school student teaching cruise (Jan. 2006). The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
provided a high school student cruise on the traditional sailing ship "Roald Amundsen” to the Atlantic seamounts "Ampere" and "Seine"
with teaching of zooplankton taxa and sampling methods. [CMarZ contact: Sigi
Training Course on Methods of Zooplankton Ecology and Identification: Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, Haiphong, Vietnam
(November 14-21, 2005). As a part of a co-operative project of the Census of Marine Zooplankton (CMarZ), the course aimed at providing graduate students and research scientists in Southeast Asian countries with comprehensive knowledge on the biology, ecology, and taxonomy of marine zooplankton and methods dealing with these subjects, with emphasis on the practical aspects of sample analysis and species identification. The course was organized by Thi Thu Nguyen (IMER), Shuhei Nishida (University of Tokyo: UT), Makoto Terazaki (UT), and Keiichi Matsuura (National Science Museum, Tokyo) and sponsored by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS: Multilateral Project-Coastal Oceanography [MPCO]) and IMER. [CMarZ contact: Shuhei Nishida]
Taxonomic Identification of Crustacea: Training workshop at the
Division of Crustacea, Fisheries College, Panangad, Kochi, Kerala, India. This was funded by University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi, India. [CMarZ contact: Vijayalakshmi Nair]
Taxonomic Identification of Copepods: (June/July, 2005). An in-house training program
for pre-doctoral research fellows was conducted at Regional Centre of
National Institute of Oceanography, Kochi, Kerala, India. Expenses
were met by NIO, Goa, India. [CMarZ contact: Vijayalakshmi Nair]
(Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Marine Ecosystems): (Sept. 2005)
hands-on workshop for students aimed to train students in tropical marine ecology with international teaching standard. The subjects included concepts and theory, research methods, and field work.
[CMarZ contact: Sigi Schiel]
At-Sea Training Course in Zooplankton Identification, Monterey Bay, NE Pacific (Spring 2005) [CMarZ contact: Erik Thuessen & Steve Haddock]
Training Course on Methods of Zooplankton Ecology and Identification:
This workshop was held at theUniversity of the Philippines, Los Baños,
during December 2004. The course aimed at providing graduate students
and research scientists in Southeast Asian countries with comprehensive
knowledge on the biology, ecology, and taxonomy of marine zooplankton and
methods dealing with these subjects, with emphasis on the practical aspects
of sample analysis and species identification. [CMarZ contact: Shuhei