Exploring the Deep Sargasso Sea - CMarZ 

Pre-Cruise Information

10-30 April 2006

aboard the NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown

Medical clearances: the NOAA health services form (attached PDF) must be filled out and dated by all members of the science party. Please note YOU MUST HAVE A TUBERCULOUS (TB) test within 12 months of the cruise. In addition, those in the scientific party planning to do blue water diving must provide NOAA with medical clearance and a letter of reciprocity between NOAA and your Institution. Completed medical forms should be sent or faxed to:

LCDR Michelle A. Pelkey
Regional Director of Health Services
NOAA MOC-Atlantic
439 West York Street
Norfolk, VA 23510
Voice: 757-441-6320
FAX: 757-441-3760

Travel, Directions, Shipping and Accommodations (pdf)

Draft sample handling protocol plan(pdf)

Labs and deck layout: see proposed locations for equipement and activities.

Cruise Participants

CMarZ Steering Group Members
Peter Wiebe - Chief Scientist.  Sr. Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. (WHOI), USA
Russ Hocroft - Associate Professor, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Larry Madin - Sr. Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. (WHOI), USA
Francesc Pages - Research Scientist, Institut de Cičncies del Mar (CSIC), Spain
Colomban de Vargas - Researcher 1 - CNRS, Roscoff Marine Station, France

CMarZ Participants
Dicky Allison - Research Assistant, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. (WHOI), USA
Martin Angel - National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
Nancy Copley- Research Associate, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. (WHOI), USA
Astrid Cornils - Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany 
Lalithambika Devi - Consultant, National Institute of Oceanography, Kochi, India
Erich Horgan- Research Associate, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. (WHOI), USA
Rob Jennings - Univ. of Connecticut - Avery Point, USA
Mikiko Kuriyama - Plankton Laboratory,Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan
Chaolun Li - Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China
Dhugal Lindsay - Research Scientist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokosuka, JAPAN
Hiroyuki Matsuura - Plankton Laboratory,Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan
Saramma Panampunnayil - Sr. Scientist, National Institute of Oceanography, Kochi, India
Tracey Sutton - Director, Fish and Plankton Ecology Dept., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, USA
Yurika Ujiie - University of Geneva, Switzerland
Silvia Watanabe - Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Leo Blanco Bercial - Dpto. Biología de Organismos y Sistemas-Zoología Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Barbara Costas - Univ. of Connecticut - Avery Point, USA
Hege Øverbø Hansen - Inst. of Marine Research, Norway
Brian Ortman - Univ. of Connecticut - Avery Point, USA
Hui Liu - Institute of Marine and Coastal Science, Rutgers Univ., USA
Paola Batta Lona - Univ. of Connecticut - Avery Point, USA
Ebru Unal - Univ. of Connecticut - Avery Point, USA

ARMADA Teacher: Joe Catron, Billings West High School in Billings, Montana