New Species of marine zooplankton discovered by CMarZ researchers.
Zooplankton of the Southeast Atlantic - Photos taken by Cheryl Clarke, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks and others aboard the Polarstern. These live zooplankton were collected in the southeast Atlantic off the coast of Africa in November 2007. cruise website
Exploring the Deep Sargasso Sea - Zooplankton found during Ronald H. Brown
cruise (April 10-30, 2006). cruise website
Zooplankton of the Seas Northwest of Australia - All pictures are by Dr. Russ Hopcroft, Univ. of
Alaska/Fairbanks, from the Danish Galathea 3 expedition off Broome in Northwestern Australia during Nov 2006, except as noted.
Life at Sea - Photos of the people and daily activities on the Ron Brown CMarZ
cruise (April 10-30, 2006). cruise website
Press Room- Photos and video clips
for the media (April 10-30, 2006).
Links to other zooplankton images and video:
Plankton Chronicles - Fascinating videos of a variety of planktonic forms from researchers and photographers at CNRS and the Tara Expedition, France. A fun, interactive site.
Protists - tintinnids, dinoflagellates, radiolaria, diatoms from the Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer gallery

Atlanta peroni R. Hopcroft, UAlaska

Haloptilus sp. R. Hopcroft, UAlaska

Histioteuthis L. Madin, WHOI |