CMarZ Barcode Association Meeting Notes (10/2008)

aim of the association:

link from this page or from menu to other pages:

We want a log-in area on the CMarZ website for the CMarZ Barcoding Association members.

The log-in website will have:

a) Detailed protocol information and recommendations

b) Guide to Setting up a barcoding Laboratory - ASTRID

- Chemical list
- Kits
- Protocols
- Lab equipment
- Freezers (not self-defrosting)

c) A metadata database with information on specimens and species.

Note: We expect that the database will need to grab data and information from laboratory-based specimen tracking databases in different formats. 

UConn: ACCESS; ORI: XLS; AWI: XLS [To be demonstrated]
What should this metadata database contain or what do we want to DO with this database?
Get list a species names of specimens, DNA, and barcodes completed
Individual specimen and species collection location (LAT/LONG)
Which laboratory and which person is working on the specimen/DNA/sequencing?
Who identified it?
Query the database and get answers:
- How many species have been barcoded?
- How many individuals of each group have been barcoded?
- How many species and individuals have DNA available for analysis?
- Where is the DNA? (which laboratory)

GenBank Accession Number (as soon as available)

Specimen tracking
- Including storage location information in database
- Sequence data tracking
- Numbering the specimen and DNA (vouchers)
- Coordination among CMarZ barcoding laboratories
- Gaps between in-house data and GenBank entries
- Design in-house database so easy transformation to GenBank submission

d) Advice and guidance on GenBank submissions  - RYUJI
- should have the keywords “CMarZ DNA Barcode”
- standard metadata sections as much as possible
(as Ryuji uses now, see the examples on GenBank)
- chromatogram (wave or trace) files in what file format
(Sequencher, FinchTV, Genious, etc)

e) Next Generation Issues – INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS
Pacific BioScience sequencer
- 5-10 years
- next generation sequencer for sequences without limit from one template
(can’t jump)

f) Advice on standard approaches to data analysis and presentation for publication

- Analysis with NJ cluster diagrams – ANN
- Credit for database submissions; just GenBank Accesion Numbers - RYUJI