Mikiko and Matsuura identifying copepods. NJ Copley, WHOI
Francesc and Peter discuss the next station's events. NJ Copley, WHOI
Line neatly piled on the bow. NJ Copley, WHOI
View of the NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown from the bow. MD Allison, WHOI
The doppler radar ball on top of the ship accesses weather conditions. MD Allison, WHOI
Erich and Jonathon washing down the ring net after a tow on the way to Station#1 (11 April 2006 - Photo by PHW). PH Wiebe, WHOI
Rob logging specimen data for DNA sequencing. NJ Copley, WHOI
Russ taking great photos of zooplankton. NJ Copley, WHOI