Heading out for a night dive to collect gelatinous zooplankton. NJ Copley, WHOI
Divers head out for a daytime collecting session. MD Allison, WHOI
The DNA sequencer on the Ron Brown chugging away at station #4 (23 April 2006 - Photo by PHW). PH Wiebe, WHOI
Francesc, Erich, and Larry examines the night dive's catch. NJ Copley, WHOI
Mikiko watching Francesc and Dhugal (LtoR) picking live animals from a 1m MOCNESS sample taken at station #4 (23 April 2006). PH Wiebe, WHOI
Hauling in the 10m MOCNESS nets after deep tow to 4500 m at station #4 - Barbara Costa, Martin Angel, Tracey Sutton, Leo Bercial, Ebru Unal LtoR in front
(23 April 2006). PH Wiebe, WHOI
Hui examining forams. NJ Copley, WHOI
Jonathon brings up a ring net. NJ Copley, WHOI